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Cēsis Contemporary Art Centre
Curated by Žanete Skarule
15 July 2023- 20 August 2023

ROSME is a scenographic installation, influenced by the history of the building, which hosted the exhibition— namely the former Cēsis Educational Factory for people with impaired vision (Cēsu neredzīgo biedrības mācību un ražošanas uzņēmums 1952-1999). 

After exploring the archives of the factory, Vasiljeva was moved by the axis, that the factory had been forming in the lives of these people: being not only work environment, but first of all a vibrant social space with an active theatre troupe. Vasiljeva introduces the mental space of a Theatre— as the entry point to the installation. Scattered throughout the floor— props, found and created objects aggregate the residues of the building’s ancestry and together stage an environment that reveals a sad obsolescence. 

Installation “Rosme”, 2023, variable media
Photos by Ansis Starks and Anete Rudmieze