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Limp Of A Letter
Prix De Rome Finale 2013
De Appel

The Limp of A Letter explores the opaque relationship between thought, language, design and the production of an object. It is a paranormal meeting, one which results not only in synthesis of these elements, but rather in a collision of meanings. Here nonsense triumphs over meaning, fragmentation over unity, dismembered syllables over a linear speech and distorted patterns over logical constructions. Vasiljeva mimics the interior designs of the French architect Pierre Chareau, but rather from a metaphysical and poetic perspective.
Chareau's interior pieces are often constructed of various layers and shelving, which for Vasiljeva embodies a physical form of fragmentation or ‘stutter”. Playing with her own form of logic and creating an absurdistic formula, she also meditates on the origins of crafting a knitwear wardrobe. The installation is populated by various characters, which exchange roles and modes between the physical and the intangible. The characters appear in the form of sculptures, interior objects, sound, video, light and stretch out to an online publication.

Photos by Jamie Tiller